Higher Rent & Lower Vacancy Time

How does 8 WEST achieve higher rents?

Hard work and experience certainly contribute to 8 West’s Success in San Diego property management, but it takes more than just that.

8 West invests in ongoing rental market research to help us advise you and manage your property with extraordinary insight. We take advantage of positive market shifts to ask top of the market rents and we avoid exceeding the market because every day of vacancy costs you money.

How does 8 WEST minimize vacancy time?

Competition is everywhere. Next door, across the street and God forbid closer to your prospective tenant’s job. In bad times tenants will often choose the house next door to save a few dollars. Sometimes even if your property offers a few extra advantages.

It’s self defeating to lose a good tenant because your property is offered for over the market rent. We set a correct rents because we have knowledge of your market.

Is that all?

Good prospective tenants consider more than just money in selecting a home.

First impressions are crucial. We make sure your property makes a positive statement by tending to the details as if we were looking at them through the eyes of the prospective tenant.

Cleanliness, appropriate landscaping and paint are just some of the aspects we consider. Because the reward for your property standing out favorably from the competition – is that people will hand you the most money possible at the beginning of every month.

Anything else?

Actually quite a lot. But perhaps the best thought to conclude with is that your property has to be noticed to be rented.

The days when classified ads in the daily newspaper were enough are over.

8 West goes beyond Craigslist and a sign in your yard. We invest our own money to advertise your property widely online. That’s not free – it’s just Free for You as our client.

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